Friday, January 20, 2006

The New Children of Terror: The Making of a Terrorist: Recruitment, Training, and Root Causes

"Terrorism, it is said, is the 'weapon of the weak.' But while our conception of warfare is often an assumption of men in uniform fighting for the political cause of their nation–states, it is a misnomer. The reality of contemporary conflict is that increasingly it has pulled in the 'weak' of society, most specifically children, both as targets and participants. Although there is global consensus (based on moral grounds) against sending children into battle, this terrible practice is now a regular facet of contemporary wars. There are some 300,000 children (both boys and girls) under the age of 18 presently serving as combatants, fighting in almost 75 percent of the world's conflicts; 80 percent of these conflicts where children are present include fighters under the age of fifteen." Source: The Brookings Institution, Saban Center for Middle East Policy (Book chapter 8: The Making of a Terrorist)

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