Thursday, February 01, 2007

UN Report: Lessons learned from the tsunami disaster

If anything, the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster experience has demonstrated that there is an urgent need for strengthening the understanding and application of existing internationally established guidelines on disaster relief and recovery in most of the disaster-affected countries. It was also demonstrated that there exist no clear and coherent regulatory agreements on disaster management and humanitarian assistance, except for the Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations (hereinafter called “the Tampere Convention”). Consequently, in order to have an international regulatory framework which disaster-affected countries and the assisting countries will be bound to apply on the ground, it is of utmost importance for the United Nations system to assist in strengthening national disaster management frameworks, and for the Economic and Social Council to initiate a process of formulating coherent international legal instruments and regulations in an intergovernmental decision-making process open to all types of potential stakeholders and actors concerned. Source: United Nations

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