Monday, March 12, 2007

Rewarding the Work of Individuals: A Counterintuitive Approach to Reducing Poverty and Strengthening Families

"In this working paper, MDRC President Gordon Berlin answers the question: If you could do one thing to reduce poverty in America, what would it be? Drawing on experimental evidence about the impact of earnings supplements, he explores the potential advantages of expanding the federal Earned Income Tax Credit to all low-wage adults who work full time — whether they have children or not and whether they marry or not." Source: MDRC

"This paper was originally prepared for the conference, “Identifying Policies That Would Reduce Poverty,” on April 17-18, 2006, co-sponsored by the Joyce Foundation and the Brookings Institution. It is scheduled to be published in the September 2007 issue of The Future of Children, a publication of The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and the Brookings Institution.

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