Thursday, October 07, 2010

Safest cities for families with young children revealed

The study, "Safest Cities for Families with Young Children," evaluated the 50 largest U.S. cities on specific criteria that contribute to home, community and overall personal safety. The results showed that 10 cities lead the way in helping reduce risk of fire deaths, pedestrian accidents and other mishaps that contribute to the estimated 14 million potentially disabling, unintentional injuries that children sustain each year.

The 2010 "Safest Cities for Families with Young Children" include:

* Boston
* Columbus, Ohio
* Louisville, Ky.
* Minneapolis, Minn.
* New York
* Portland, Ore.
* San Francisco
* Seattle
* Tampa, Fla.
* Virginia Beach, Va.

Source: United Underwriters

More information about the Study online at United Underwriters (link)

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