Monday, December 13, 2010

An analytical review: 10 years on from the adoption of the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol

The United Nations and key relevant international organizations launched a first joint publication detailing recommendations for coordinated future action to combat trafficking in persons during the 6 th meeting of the Inter-agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT).

The relevant organizations are members of the Inter- Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT), established by the United Nations General Assembly

The publication, entitled 'An analytical review: 10 years on from the adoption of the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol' , is significant as it not only provides an overview of mandates and activities of all ICAT member organizations, but provides gap analysis within the various fields of work related to trafficking in persons undertaken over the last 10 years. The publication additionally, offers recommendations for coordinated future action to combat trafficking in persons.

The report's recommendations address the following (four) key areas: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnerships.

Source: United Nations

Download full pdf publication
| Link to online summary and information

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