Monday, November 10, 2008

UN Offices on Drugs and Crime releases UNODC Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons

"Human trafficking is the acquisition of people by improper means such as force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them. Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. Virtually every country in the world is affected by trafficking for sexual exploitation or forced labour. The challenges for all countries, rich and poor, are to target the criminals who exploit desperate people and to protect trafficking victims. As the only U.N. entity focusing on the criminal justice element, the GPAT brings special expertise to the fight against trafficking.

The UNODC Global Programme against Trafficking in Human Beings (GPAT) assists countries in their efforts to combat this crime."

The 123 tools contained in the Toolkit offer guidance, recommended resources, and promising practices to policymakers, law enforcers, judges, prosecutors, victim service providers and members of civil society who are working in interrelated spheres towards preventing trafficking, protecting and assisting victims and promoting international cooperation.

Download full pdf toolkit | Link to UNDOC website

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