Thursday, April 21, 2005

Medieval studies: Gateways, subject guides, and more

Compiled by John Jaeger, a librarian at Dallas Baptist University and Paul Victor Jr., a librarian at the University of Florida, this online article links to authoritative online guides to Medieval Studies. Sources include Georgetown University, College of Staten Island: SUNY, Stanford, and Yale.

The article "attempts to introduce the reader to some of the excellent sites available on the Internet that relate to medieval studies. Some of these sites are gateways that link to a broad range of online resources. Other sites are large subject guides provided from large universities that have medieval studies programs. Additionally, there are subject-specific sites that focus on particular aspects of medieval study, such as history, literature, philosophy, or religion. These resources can be particularly helpful in locating precise information. Also, there are subscription databases, such as the International Medieval Bibliography, that give researchers access to a large collection of resources not freely available on the Web."

Link to site

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