Monday, February 08, 2010

2009 State Teacher Policy Yearbook

The 2009 edition of the State Teacher Policy Yearbook is the National Council on Teacher Quality's third annual review of state laws, rules and regulations that govern the teaching profession. This year's report is a comprehensive analysis of the full range of each state's teacher policies, measured against a realistic blueprint for reform.

The release of the 2009 Yearbook comes at a particularly opportune time. Race to the Top, the $4.5 billion federal discretionary grant competition, has put unprecedented focus on education reform in general, and teacher quality in particular. In many respects, the Yearbook provides a road map to the Race to the Top, addressing key policy areas such as teacher preparation, evaluation, alternative certification and compensation. Our analysis makes clear that states have a great deal of work to do in order to ensure that every child has an effective teacher.

Source: National Council on Teacher Quality

Download full Report | Link to download reports by state

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