Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Data Monetization in the Age of Big Data

The volume and richness of the data now uniquely accessible to mobile providers—whether in the form of transactions, inquiries, text messages or tweets, GPS locations or live video feeds—offers a veritable gold mine of insights and applications. And even as mobile phones have become the primary device through which consumers get their information, those very same devices have begun to facilitate new types of information, including extremely precise, real-time, geolocation information.
Not surprisingly, operators today are talking about when and how to tap into this data and what to do with it. In particular, they want to know how to monetize it: how to sort, analyze and manipulate the data and put it to use. This holds true not only for internal applications, but increasingly for building new revenue streams or collaborating on external applications with third parties as well.
How can mobile operators best approach this new territory? What are the opportunities and challenges? And how can operators shape new business models to monetize their Big Data?
Source: Accenture via Docuticker

Download: Data Monetization in the Age of Big Data

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