Information and resources curated by Tricia Soto, Librarian and Independent Researcher
Friday, December 24, 2004
"The Holiday Season" facts from the Census Bureau
Link to press release
Subjects : Holiday Statistics -- United States
World Population Projections
Download PDF
Subjects : Population forecasting -- Statistics
The Expectations Gap – A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements
Download Report
Subjects : High School Students -- Education -- United States
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Environmental Economics
Download PDF
Subjects : Economics -- Environmental Policy
Freedom in the World 2004
Download PDF Report | Download 'Map of Freedom PDF
Subjects : Civil Liberties -- International
Monday, December 20, 2004
Volunteering in the United States
of Labor reported today. The proportion of the population who volunteered during the year held steady at 28.8 percent.
These data on volunteering were collected through a supplement to the September 2004 Current Population Survey (CPS). Volunteers are defined as persons who did unpaid work (except for expenses) through or for an organization. The CPS is a monthly survey of about 60,000 households that obtains information on employment and unemployment among the nation's civilian noninstitutional population age 16 and over."
Source : Bureau of Labor Statistics [via Docuticker]
Link to report page
Subjects : Volunteers -- United States -- Statistics
New Census 2000 Report : Aging in the U.S.
- 28% of people 65 and over lived alone, compared with 10% of the total population
- 10% of people 65 and over were foreign born.
- Of the people who spoke a language other than English at home, Indo-European languages other than Spanish were the most prominently used by people 65 and older.
- 90% of households with a householder 65 and over received social security income.
Subjects : Statistics -- U.S. Census -- Aged
Faculty Salary and Faculty Distribution Fact Sheet 2003-04
Subjects : Academia -- Gender Equity
CRS Report : Terrorism in South Asia
"This report reviews the recent incidence of terrorism in South Asia, concentrating on Pakistan and India, but also including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. The existence of international terrorist groups and their supporters in South Asia is identified as a threat to both regional stability and to the attainment of central U.S. policy goals."
Download PDF
Subjects : Terrorism -- South Asia -- U.S. Foreign Policy
The Once and Future Supreme Court
Subjects : History -- U.S. Supreme Court
Achieving State and National Literacy Goals, a Long Uphill Road
Download PDF
Subjects : United States -- Education -- Literacy
Public Opinion, Civil Liberties, and the 'War on Terror'
Report #1 : U.S. War on Terror, U.S. Foreign Policy, and Anti-Americanism
Download PDF
Subjects : Public Opinion -- Foreign Policy -- Terrorism -- Anti-Americanism
Report #2: Restrictions on Civil Liberties, Views of Islam, & Muslim Americans
Download PDF
Subjects : Public Opinion -- Civil Liberties -- Islam -- Muslim Americans
Friday, December 17, 2004
New Census 2000 Report : Hispanics in the United States
- Hispanics were slightly less likely to be in the labor force than the total population.
- Proportionately more Hispanic women than Hispanic men held managerial or professional jobs.
- In 1999, Spaniard, South American, and Cuban families had higher median family incomes than other Hispanic groups.
- Over half of all Hispanic households lived in renter-occupied housing units.
Download PDF Report
Subjects : Statistics -- U.S. Census -- Hispanic Population
Achievement in Charter Schools and Regular Public Schools in the U.S. : Understanding the Differences
Download PDF
Subjects : Education -- Charter Schools
Thursday, December 16, 2004
The History of Silent Night and The Twelve Days of Christmas
Subject: Christmas Carols -- History
Breaking the Barriers for Women On Parole
Source : Little Hoover Commission. Download Executive Summary | Download Full Report (110 pages)
Subjects : Women -- Correctional Systems
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Census 2000 Special Report : Asians in the United States
- About 80% of Asians had a high school diploma or more education
- Among women in the detailed Asian groups, Filipino women had the highest labor force participation rate.
- Asians were more likely than the total population to be in management, professional, and related occupations.
- The median annual income of Asian families was higher than the median of all families.
- Homeownership was relatively lower for Asians than the total U.S. population
Subjects : Statistics -- U.S. Census -- Asian Population
RAND Report Proposes Ways to Cut Support for Radical Islam and Terrorism
From the Press Release : "America and its allies can reduce support for radical Islam and terrorism — and improve relations with the Muslim world — by supporting moderate Muslims and social, economic and educational reforms in Muslim nations, according to a RAND Corporation study issued today." From the Abstract : "Examines the dynamics that drive changes in the religio-political landscape of the Muslim world, the effects of 9/11, the global war on terrorism, and the war in Iraq." Dowload PDF Full Document | Summary Only
Subjects : Islam -- Muslims -- Terrorism
U.S. 2004 Performance and Accountability Report Available
Download PDF report (472 pages) | HTML Version
Subjects : U. S. Government Documents -- Performance and Accountability
JAMA Study finds American Lifestyle Fattening Immigrants
Link to Journal of the American Medical Association Article
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Google To Digitize Millions of Books From Stanford and 4 Other Leading Research Libraries
"The trickiest issue is copyright. The company will begin by scanning works that are in the public domain, and the full contents of those books will accessible online through the popular Google search engine."
"But the company also plans to scan copyrighted books in some of the libraries. The search engine will not return the full texts of those volumes, but will instead provide up to three short excerpts, each consisting of only a few lines of text in which a search term appears."
Link to full article
Monday, December 13, 2004
Resource : Vanderbilt Television News Archive
Link to search page
Important note! Stanford belongs to an educational institution that subscribes to the Vanderbilt Television News Archive. Through this subscription CASBS fellows have access to online video from the Archive's collection of CNN material.
Subjects : Broadcasting -- Databases
Network Brownout : 9th annual report
Source : National Association of Hispanic Journalists
Subjects : Broadcasting -- Hispanics
Friday, December 10, 2004
Oxford English Dictionary Online News
Subject: Dictionaries
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Highlight of the new date from the press release : The number of cell phone subscribers in the United States reached approximately 159 million in 2003, up from 34 million in 1995."
Link to site with data tables.
Subjects : United States -- Statistics
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
The Northwest Area Foundation
Subjects: United States - Northwest - Census Data - Native American Indian
Third Culture Kids : Relocation Issues and Children
Download PDF
Subjects: Child Development - Relocation
Welfare Reform in Ontario: A Report Card
Subjects: Social Issues -- Welfare Reform -- Canada
New Blog : Left2Right
Why Left2Right?
"In the aftermath of the 2004 Presidential election, many of us have come to believe that the Left must learn how to speak more effectively to ears attuned to the Right. How can we better express our values? Can we learn from conservative critiques of those values? Are there conservative values that we should be more forthright about sharing? "Left2Right" will be a discussion of these and related questions. " Link to Blog
Participants include Don Herzog (CASBS Fellow 1991), Lewis Kornhauser (CASBS Fellow 1982), and Richard Rorty (CASBS Fellow 1983).
Subjects: Blog -- United States Politics
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Reporters on the Battlefield : The Embedded Press System in Historical Context
Subjects : Media - United States - Military - Embedded Press
Toward safe and orderly schools : the national study of delinquency prevention in schools
Subjects: U. S. School Violence - Education - Student Behavior. Download PDF
Improving scholarly communication
Article from First Monday:
"Much has been written about the transformation of scholarly communication brought about by the Internet. Although scholars are central to the creation of research and innovation, their work is supported and facilitated by academic presses and libraries. The presence and quality of these two divisions within research universities often contribute to institutional prestige."
"This article focuses on research libraries and publishers as two groups that are gaining more experience in the production and dissemination of monographic scholarship in digital formats. It surveys their entry into the digital sphere and examines where they are today. Their perspectives and priorities differ but each party has knowledge and experience that could benefit the other."
Link to Article
Subjects: Academic Publishing
1881 and 1891 Census records for England and Wales go online
Subjects: United Kingdom -- Census
The Becker-Posner Blog
Monday, December 06, 2004
NYT 100 Notable Books of the Year
Main Article (free registration required).
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Merriam-Webster's Words of the Year 2004
Subject: Dictionaries
2004 Holiday Retail Sales Figures
Subjects: Christmas Shopping -- Retail Sales -- Shopping
Newly Released Census Report : 2002 County Business Patterns
“The County Business Patterns data series includes a separate report for each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the United States. Individual state reports present payroll and employment data for the state and counties by industry.”
The site has yearly reports from 1993 - 2002 available for download.
Subjects: U. S. Census -- Business Statistics
College students in the 2004 Election
Download Fact Sheet | Download Full Survey
Subjects: 2004 U. S. Election -- College Students
Children, The Digital Divide, and Federal Policy
Subjects: Youth -- U.S. Government Policy -- Digital Divide
Media, Youth, and Civic Engagement -- Fact Sheet
Subjects: Media -- Youth -- Civic Participation
Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2004
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
FOIA Documentation Resource
This site contains recently declassified documents as well as discussion of political hurdles, historical milestones and government references about the Freedom of Information Act: Veto Battle 30 Years Ago Set Freedom of Information Norms
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
AARP International Opinion Leader Research on Global Aging
Download Executive Summary | Full Report (125 pages)
Fast food, race/ethnicity, and income: a geographic analysis.
Jason P. Block, Richard A. Scribner and Karen B. DeSalvo,
Fast food, race/ethnicity, and income: A geographic analysis,
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 27, Issue 3, October 2004,
Pages 211-217.
Caveat: Study surveyed only New Orleans, LA.
Link to Abstract | Link to Article
America's Families and Living Arrangements : 2003
"Basic trends in household and family composition, living arrangements and marital status of adults, and characteristics of unmarried-couple households are presented in this report. A new section is included that highlights married-couple families with a stay-at-home parent." Download Report
Former CASBS Fellow wins Grawemeyer Award for Psychology
Monday, November 29, 2004
Students Study Less Than Expected, Survey Finds
"The survey measures 'engagement' -- the level of student involvement in academics and campus activities -- to provide colleges with a better understanding of their quality than is found in popular rankings, like that of U.S. News & World Report.It gives participating colleges comparative data by assessing their effectiveness in five categories: the level of academic challenge on the campus, the level of 'active' and collaborative learning, the level of interaction among students and faculty members, the prevalence of 'enriching educational experiences,' and the extent to which the college offers a supportive environment for students."
Link to Article | Link to NSSE | Download Survey
Most community-college students are not meeting their educational goals, according to CCESSE Survey.
The CCESSE survey key findings have been made available online and the data is searchable.
Link to article | Link to survey
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Economy Slowed, But Immigration Didn’t: The Foreign-born Population 2000-2004
Monday, November 22, 2004
Trends in Educational Equity of Girls & Women: 2004
The Status of Women in the States
Leader Authenticity Markers: Findings from a Study of African-American Political Leaders
Friday, November 19, 2004
No Second Chance - People with Criminal Records Denied Access to Public Housing
Florida E-Voting Discrepencies
World Bank Report on Somalia : Anarchy Works
Search Tool : OAIster
New Search tool: Google Scholar
Librarian's caveat : No one database will have everything, and Google Scholar is no exception, but it is one of many tools to use for research and with typical Google ease. Also be aware that Google Scholar may point you to papers that may be purchased over the web. Many times these papers are available from databases to which your institution already subscribes.
Open Access Journals in the ISI Citation Databases: Analysis of Impact Factors and Citation Patterns
Community of Science launches new version of COS Funding Opportunities
2004 National Book Awards Announced
- Kevin Boyle, Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age [nonfiction]
- Lily Tuck, The News from Paraguay [fiction]
- Jean Valentine, Door in the Mountain: New and Collected Poems, 1965-2003 [poetry]
- Pete Hautman, Godless [young people's literature]
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Strong Support for Stem Cell Research Among Bush Supporters
Facts for features : Thanksgiving Day
Best Performing Cities: Where America's Jobs Are Created and Sustained
Finding Hidden Threats by Analyzing Unusual Behavior
Defeating the Jihadists: A Blueprint for Action
Friday, November 12, 2004
What if the President asks you to join the administration?
Digest of Education Statistics
Turning the pages at the British Library
Creative Commons launches Science Commons
CASBS Librarians' Booklist
Link to the lists (CASBS login required)
The Advertising Artwork of Dr. Seuss
Link to site
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Persuaders: Companion Site to the PBS Documentary
Women’s Work Supports, Job Retention, and Job Mobility: Child Care and Employer-Provided Health Insurance Help Women Stay on Jobs
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
CSIS Recommendations for New Administration
"Serfaty Urges Bush to Rethink Strategy, Repair Transatlantic Partnership
President Bush must immediately jumpstart dialogue with European allies and develop an innovative foreign policy approach that recognizes Europe s geostrategic significance, according to a strategy paper by Simon Serfaty, CSIS Zbigniew Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy." The strategy paper is also available for download[pdf]
Article on Open-Access publishing in Britain
"The British government has rejected most of the recommendations by a parliamentary committee that favors making the results of state-supported scientific research freely available."
Full Article
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education
CRS Reports on Election Issues
on the following election issues:
[via FPC]
Hidden Cost of Buying Information
information, we tend to overweigh its actual value."
Link to online article
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
White Paper: "Succeeding in the 21st Century"
"...Seven leading college and university systems in the United States joined with Educational Testing Service (ETS) in 2003 to form the National Higher Education Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Initiative." "...The central goal of the National Higher Education ICT Initiative is to provide colleges and universities with the measurement bases they need to evaluate their existing approaches to ICT education and to develop new strategies for closing the gap between those who possess essential ICT skills and those who do not."
Link to pdf
Monday, November 08, 2004
China's Richest 200
"The theme that emerges is how growing consumerism is fueling the wealth generation in China.
Increasingly well-off young urban Chinese--particularly the 30-somethings known as China's richest generation--are trading up a lifestyle on the back of an economy that is growing by upward of 9% per year."[via resourceshelf]
Link to Article
Tax Incidence, Tax Burden, and Tax Shifting: Who Really Pays the Tax?
"The true measure of the burden of a tax is the change in people'™s economic situations as a result
of the tax. The changes should be measured as the effects on everyone'™s net-of-tax income after all economic adjustments have run their courses. The burden measure should include not only changes in people'™s after-tax incomes in a single year, but the lifetime consequences of the tax change as well. Unfortunately, policymakers are not presented with this type of comprehensive information on the true burden of taxation and must make policy judgments based on incomplete and misleading statistics."
Link to article
Bush Administration Tax Policy: Short-Term Stimulus
"This article examines the effects of recent tax cuts as a short-term economic stimulus and is the
fifth in a series that summarizes and evaluates tax policy in the Bush administration. A particular
goal for each of the 2001, 2002, and 2003 tax cuts was to spur the economy in the short term."
Authors:William G. Gale, Senior Fellow, Economic Studies & Peter R. Orszag, Senior Fellow, Economic
Studies. [via Docuticker]
Link to article
How Election Results Will Affect Geopolitics, Global Perceptions
Will Affect Geopolitics, Global Perceptions
Source: Center for Strategic and International Studies
"Kurt Campbell, CSIS vice president and director of the
International Security Program, Patrick Cronin, CSIS
director of studies, Teresita Schaffer, director of the CSIS
South Asia Program, Jon Alterman, director of the CSIS
Middle East Program, Robin Niblett, director of the CSIS
Europe Program, and Bathsheba Crocker, codirector of the
CSIS Post-Conflict Reconstruction Project, analyzed foreign
policy challenges facing the second Bush administration on
Nov. 4 at CSIS." Transcript of event.[via docuticker]
link to PDF(96 KB)
Prisoners in 2003 - Report from U.S. Dept. of Justice
at yearend, compares the increase in the prison population
during 2003 with that of the previous year, and gives the
prison growth rates since 1995. The report also provides the
number of male and female prisoners on December 31, 2003. It
includes incarceration rates for the States and the 5
highest and 5 lowest jurisdictions for selected
characteristics, such as the growth rate, number of
prisoners held, and incarceration rates. Tables present data
on prison capacities and the use of local jails and
privately operated prisons. Estimates are provided on the
number of sentenced prisoners by gender, race, and Hispanic
Primary Resources--United Kingdom
"This month's new releases include files on the 1926 General
Strike, efforts to quell Sinn Fein activities in England
during the 1920s and files detailing the murder of British
POWs in Europe." [via resourceshelf]
Foundation Center New Report
(2004) examines changes in international and cross-border
giving based on a sample of 1,000+ top-ranked foundations.
(link direct to pdf: Highlights only)[via resourceshelf]
Canadian College Rankings
Canada's colleges. the University of Waterloo unseated last
year's leader, the University of Guelph, as the top
comprehensive university. Both institutions are in Ontario,
as is the University of Toronto, which remained No. 1 in the
"medical doctoral" category.
income data, parks, schools, libraries, hospitals, airports,
environmental conditions, local newspapers, media outlets,
employment, maps, coordinates and aerial photos." Searchable
by City or Town, County, Area Code, and ZipCode. [via
Friday, November 05, 2004
Dropout Rates in the United States: 2001
2004 American Community Survey
the different aspects of growth and development, Smart
Growth America and the National Association of Realtors®
asked Belden Russonello & Stewart to look at Americans’
preferences for the type of communities they want to live in
and the policies they support for creating those
communities. The preferences and other opinions expressed in
the survey suggest a direction for solving the conflicting
pressures of the desire to develop and the wish to preserve
communities." [via ResourceShelf]
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
has been made available through the University of Virginia Library's
Electronic Text Center. Searchable and browsable by subject,
author, and alpha. Entries include "academic freedom" "epicureanism and free will," and the "problem of evil."
Winning Women
"Data on women’s attitudes collected during the course of the campaign provides important insight into the issues and messages that resonate with women. The Independent Women’s Forum sponsored a comprehensive psycho-linguistic communications analysis that included focus groups and a telephone survey (n=729) of likely women voters in seven key battleground states at the campaign’s beginning. The survey was designed not only to develop a better understanding of women’s attitudes toward particular candidates and issues, but also to examine how women respond to these issues and what messages resonate with women."
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Directory of Open Access Journals
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Download for Democracy: Government Document Library